Last Drop
I get an "Access denied" error
Possible reasons:
You are logged in to another device or your IP address has changed. Just re-login.
You've been blocked for using multiple accounts, scripts, or bots
In case of blocking — withdrawals, activate bonuses and chat won't be available for you.
We stand for fair play. There is no opportunity to remove the lock that was issued fairly.
Do not create tickets requesting to unblock account(s). Do not waste our time - we do not give a second chance.
Attempts to create another accounts will lead to blocking.
If you are convinced that you were blocked by mistake - contact us and we will quickly remove the restrictions.
In the ticket, indicate the accounts for which you could be blocked — in this way you will save yourself and us time
These tickets are the last to be processed, so please be patient and wait for an answer.
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